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Le Prof Fall Issue


We hope you enjoy this Fall issue of Le Prof, HMH's biannual newsletter for French language educators. Le Prof brings you insights and ideas to enrich instruction, news on current trends in language education, and the latest information on new Bien dit!® resources for your classroom.

French Holiday Calendar / Fall 2019

Give your students more opportunities to connect language and culture with this new, FREE calendar that will save you hours of time!

Each month, the calendar highlights holidays in the French-speaking world along with leveled lesson ideas to get students communicating in French, and links to related media in HMHfyi Français.

To access this and a wealth of other resources to support your French classroom, download today!

The Seal of Biliteracy Becomes a National Phenomenon

Originally a grassroots movement and now a national phenomenon, the Seal of Biliteracy recognizes the value of biliteracy for students and our society as a whole. From increased career opportunities to improved memory, being multilingual allows us to connect with others—in our schools and across the globe.

Share this Benefits of Bilingualism infographic with your students today!

Using Social Media in the World Languages Classroom

According to data from the 4th Annual Educator Confidence Report, a majority of educators use social media in their classroom for various reasons.

Looking to incorporate more social media into your world languages classroom? Visit the HMH Shaped blog for tips and tools to further engage your students!

A New Way to Make Your French Class Even More Authentic

Recognizing that authenticity is critical to language instruction, HMH® has introduced a new resource to Bien dit!® © 2018 that makes it even easier to incorporate authentic resources into your language instruction. Activities for French Open-Source Content provides activity masters and embedded teacher support for all kinds of authentic media, from news stories to online shops and museum websites. In addition to the activity masters, the editable component includes teaching suggestions. It is available through the Teacher Resources icon in the online eBook.

Newseum®: News from around the World at Your Fingertips

Looking to incorporate even more authentic resources into your French classroom? In addition to Bien dit! resources such as HMHfyi Français, News + Networking, and Activities for French Open-Source Content, you can access front page news from around the world via newseum.org.

Check out the front page of the Courrier Picard from France, or Le Jeune Indépendant from Algeria.

Insights & Best Practices

All language learners benefit from a "linguistically friendly" classroom, one in which students are free to acquire a second language without fear of sanctions on what they have yet to learn.

According to the HMH® white paper Communication First! Six Best Practices for the Second Language Classroom, authored by John De Mado, "there is an intimate relationship between language acquisition and an individual's willingness to take linguistic risks, to be vulnerable, and to use intuition in order to confront more language than he or she owns. This dynamic is essential to a student's second language growth."

Download this paper for six essential best practices that can transform your classroom into a "communication first" environment.

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